prosthetic supplies



This is a beige/ white elastic tubular stocking. Its purpose is to reduce swelling, shape and control the volume of your limb. The shrinker should be worn as much as possible (except when bathing) as soon as the staples are removed from your limb. Once you have the prosthesis, the shrinker should be worn overnight and at times when the prosthesis or gel liner is not worn during the day.  The shrinker MUST be pulled up above the knee (below knee amputation) or as high into the groin as possible (above knee amputation). If the shrinker is not worn overnight, it may be difficult to get the prosthesis on in the morning due to swelling that happens overnight.

Gel Liner

This has a thick fabric piece on one side and a clear gel on the inside. Its purpose is to attach the prosthesis to your body and protect your limb and skin from the pressure/stress put on the limb during walking. It is to be worn with your prosthesis at ALL TIMES. The gel liner is to be rolled onto bare skin by turning it inside out and rolling it up the limb, there should be no wrinkles in the liner. Pay careful attention to the position of the locking pin, it should look like it is coming straight out of the bottom of the limb. If the locking pin is not in the proper position, you will have a hard time getting the prosthesis to lock in place. The gel liner should NEVER be worn overnight. Wash the inside of the liner with warm water and non-scented soap after each use. Rinse well, as any soap residue could cause skin irritation. Pat dry with a paper or regular towel and let dry overnight with the fabric side facing out. If the liner is not washed there is a high risk of bacteria growth.

–        Only wear gel liner during the day with prosthetic
–        Turn all the way inside out when putting it on your limb
–        Wash gel liner after each use



These are the white colored socks with the holes at the bottom that come in differed thicknesses ( as indicated by the colored band at the top). AS A NEW AMPUTEE YOU WILL HAVE TO WEAR SOCKS WITH THE PROSTHESIS. The purpose of the socks is to tighten up the fit of the prosthesis when needed. The limb will fluctuate in volume and as a new amputee you will lose a lot of swelling/ volume in the limb during the first couple months. In other words, your limb will look COMPLETELY different after the first 3-6 months. It will be a lot smaller, especially at the bottom. This will cause the prosthetic socket (the part your leg goes into) to be too big for your limb. You will make up the difference by adding one or layering several prosthetic socks on top of the gel liner, until it is time to replace the prosthetic socket. If you do not use prosthetic socks, it is likely that you will develop a sore on your leg.



Not all patients will wear sheaths. Their purpose is to reduce friction between the skin and gen liner. They are applied directly over the bare skin and should fall 2 inches below the top of the gel liner.